Monday, March 30, 2020

Week 11 Reading: Part A (Jataka Tales)

For the first reading section this week I chose to read through the Jataka Tales. I always love any chance to read these stories as they're such a fun jaunt into principle, ethics, morals, and wisdom. They always do a fantastic job of communicating information in a very succinct, enjoyable way. I won't write summaries of each one, as they're already brief enough and it would be a be rude to cut them down any further. Essentially, each tale lays out a scenario where someone has a goal (usually devious) and selfishly pursues the goal until failure. There's always a lesson in one of the above areas and it's always very clear cut - these tales rarely have any ambiguity in communication.

Photo Source:
The Lion | Jataka

Jataka Tales | Ellen Babbit

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